
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

ROTC Family

Preston has been doing ROTC since he started school a few months ago, seeing if that is what he really wants to do within the army. Well today he contracted so we are in for the long haul. After this semester he has four more to go until he graduates. When he graduates he will commission as an officer. Once he commissions, he has to serve for 8 more years. We are almost to the year mark since he joined the army so he will be in for 11 years. It's kinda scary thinking our lives our committed to this for so long, but I know Preston is happy and that he really enjoys being in the guard, so I'm happy. He has already accomplished so much, being platoon guide in basic, getting excellent markmanship at basic, being platoon leader for ROTC, competing in ranger challenge, and more that he forgets to tell me about because he acts like it's no big deal, even though it is. I know that he is going to go far in this carrer and I couldn't be prouder of my solider. It will definitely be hard I know. We will spend a lot of time apart, but we already did that once for four months and I still can't believe how much we grew and how strong that made our relationship. I never in my wildest dreams being an Army wife, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

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