
Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Yep that's right, I've gained 14 pounds since we got married in August... not cool I know. That's 3 pounds a month!! Now my mom would say the only reason I was 122 pounds when we got married is because I was so stressed, which is true I lost 2 pounds in the 2 days before the wedding, but before that I had stayed at a constant 124 since the middle of July, so that's what I need to get back to. Preston and I both noticed that we were getting less fit a few weeks after getting married, I told him we were too happy, in my mind happiness equals cooking for my husband, baking us goodies, and snuggling on the couch in our cozy pants. Are we happy? Yes! Could we be happier if we were healthier? Yes!

 So I know it's the new year and you all are thinking this is a Resolution to lose weight just like the rest of the world has for two days. Well it's NOT, I honestly think no one sticks with resolutions, this is just my way of admitting that I need to change. I NEED to eat less and more healthy. NO more snacking at the bank because I am bored out of my mind. NO more testing out Pinterest desserts multiple nights a week. NO more having more chips and candy at our house than fruits and vegetables. I NEED get back into a regular exercise routine. NO more watching TV for hours after work, NO more excuses as to why I can't or don't have time, NO more laziness.
I NEED to feel good about myself again, this summer I wasn't only in the best shape I've ever been in, I had the most self confidence I've ever had in my LIFE, and it felt good! I loved not worrying about what shirts I should wear that would cover my love handles the best, I loved wearing every single pair of jeans I owned because they ALL fit, I loved that my face cleared up, I loved hearing compliments from my friends and family, I loved looking in the mirror and saying YOU LOOK GOOD!

So it's time to get back to that. To get back to LOVE running, to LOVE pushing myself half a mile farther, one mile farther, two miles farther, to get back to be able to say NO to a candy bar and eat cucumbers instead, to get back to loving myself. I've started to make some changes that I know will help, I've made us a monthly menu so we will eat out less, I search Pinterest for healthy meals and snacks, Preston will help me get a bengal card so I can go to Reed Gym once he gets home, I drink as much water as my bladder can hold, and I've started looking for races I can sign up for. It's out in the universe now, I've admitted it to myself so it's game on! I know it will be tough but with my stubbornness and the support of my hubby I KNOW I CAN DO IT! I WILL LEARN TO LOVE MY CURVES AGAIN!


  1. I feel like this post could have been written by me, except I've gained 20 pounds in a year :P Mono didn't help because in the beginning I was too sick to eat anything much so I lost weight and then after I had no energy and just lounged and then yep, I got into the "happily married" funk and I cook, make goodies, and lounge on the couch in my cozy pants. I loved this post because it is pretty much exactly my thoughts right now.

  2. Have you checked out! They have tons of free workout videos that are TOUGH! Right now I'm doing their New Year 30 Day Challenge videos. They seriously rock. AND, I don't have weight to lose, but I can see how tone I am after one week. It feels good to be healthy!
